Edmund - vertaling naar frans
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Edmund - vertaling naar frans

Eadmund; Edmund (given name); Eadmund (disambiguation); Edmund, King of the English

Edmund, male first name (variation of Edmond)
Edmund Halley      
Edmund Halley (1656-1742), English Astronomer who predicted the return of Halley's Comet
Edmund Hillary         
Edmund Hillary (born 1919), New Zealand explorer and mountaineer, member of the first team to reach the peak of Mt. Everest (in 1953 with Tenzing Norgay), member of an Antarctic expedition in 1958-59


according to Hoyle
according to plan or the rules.



Edmund is a masculine given name or surname in the English language. The name is derived from the Old English elements ēad, meaning "prosperity" or "riches", and mund, meaning "protector".

Persons named Edmund include:

Uitspraakvoorbeelden voor Edmund
1. AUDIENCE: Edmund Hillary and .
Yosemite’s Most Iconic Climb _ Hans Florine _ Talks at Google
2. a guy named Edmund Selous.
Simple Rules - How to Thrive in a Complex World _ Donald Sull _ Talks at Google
3. Sir Edmund Hillary, etc.
4. My name is Dolores Edmund.
From Maniac Mansion to Thimbleweed Park _ Ron Gilbert _ Talks at Google
5. -The New Zealander Edmund Hillary
The Call of Everest _ Conrad Anker _ Talks at Google
Voorbeelden uit tekstcorpus voor Edmund
1. Le troisi';me complice présumé sera vite repéré: Edmund Duhaney.
2. Edmund Phelps récompensé pour avoir corrigé la courbe de Phillips.
3. Trois conseillers fédéraux approuv';rent sa démission: Edmund Schulthess, Giuseppe Motta et Camille Decoppet.
4. Tel était Edmund Hillary, décédé vendredi d‘une crise cardiaque ŕ Auckland.
5. Or elle fait moins bien que son allié Edmund Stoiber il y a trois ans.